Polkadot Strut

The PolkaDoti Strut video is meant to serve as sort of an intro or theme for this blog. What I was going for initially, was just a happy woman very high on life confidently walking in her purpose towards the camera in a pretty modest polkadot dress. Upon completing the video edits, I couldn’t keep myself from making alternate versions, since it seemed like a waste not to take advantage of all of the possibilities of synching annotations with the lively expressions. Some versions were purely comedic, while others were more earnest in nature. I've included a few different versions below:

The PolkaDot Strut - Origional Basic Version

The PolkaDot Strut - Comedic Sadity Superficial Girl Version
This skit was created purely for comedic effect. The character is a sadity superficial girl whose snobby thoughts are annotated as she encounters acquaintances. 

The PolkaDot Strut - Virtuous Woman Version - My Favorite:
In this version, as with the comedic versions, I was trying to sync annotations with facial expressions and gestures in a way that flowed, which proved difficult when deciding what caption I should sync with the glare at 0:12. I didn't have a problem picking an item worthy of such a glare from a virtuous woman. The difficulty was in trying to encapsulate this item with few enough words able to be read within the momentary glare. A phrase like "she's able to discern wolves in sheep’s clothing" or "Her womanly guard keeps predators at a distance" would have encapsulated the idea I wanted to fit there, but they were just too long. "Boldly rejects corrupt characters" would have worked, but I felt like people would misinterpret such a phrase as being unforgiving and lacking compassion, as opposed to boldly rejecting foul intentions and wishing the best for the person whose intentions are foul - but from a safe distance.

I ended up settling for "she boldly rejects evil". I didn't mean be over-dramatic, but it there is such a thing and some people consistently operate in this realm; a person consistently unjustly scapegoating another is an example. These people deserve that glare, at least with internal discernment [humor]... back to the dots :)

Below are some of the images I was planning on incorporating into this project, but for various reasons, never ended up being included. I may use them in a future project or another variant of the same video... We'll see.

Modesty Quotes

Beautiful Quote

Modesty Quotes
Add caption

Beautiful Quote

strength quote

Beautiful Quote

Beautiful Quote

Classy Quote

Classy Quote

Beautiful Quote

Strength Quote

Beautiful Quote

Strength Quote

Modesty Quote

virtuosity quotes

Here are a few related videos comedic in nature:

Soul Dance

Bouquet Toss - Funny

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